Top 10 Best College Admissions Consultants

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College admissions consultants help students with college applications, essay writing, choosing a school, and may even offer career advice. College admissions consulting services from admissions counselors help student with the college application process. So, it can be confusing to determine what value each company adds and what they actually do. College admissions consultants can provide insight into everything from what courses to take in high school to studying for standardized tests. They can also assist with the college application process to give students the best opportunity to get accepted into their first pick schools.
Some college admissions consultants specialize in Ivy League schools such as Harvard or Princeton while others take a broader approach to assess student ability and use strengths and weaknesses to match students with quality institutions where they are likely to thrive.
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In the nutshell, the best college admissions consultants help students wade through applications and essay writing and may even offer career advice. So, students who need assistance with test prep, course selection and academic career advice benefit from these services.
1. A-List (powered by Testive)

What makes A-List one of the best admissions consultants for college preparation? This company has been helping students get into colleges for more than 15 years. They offer educational services such as home school services and private tutoring as well as college advising.
A-List Has a full catalog of services, including packages for college advising and tutoring, college advisory and application assistance and hourly services. Parents and students can choose from the number of hours desired combined with the precise services needed to help their students start preparing for college while they are still in high school.
Individual students receive tailored services that match their needs. There are also budget friendly options for hourly packages for families on a budget.
2. Bright Horizons College Coach

Bright Horizons College Coach is also among the best admissions consultants. Founded in 1998, this company aims to bring out the best in every student. For decades, it has provided one-on-one services with students across the around the globe. The company maintains a 98% success rate in getting students into their top choice schools.
By choosing a college admissions advising company, students gain insider insight into how to choose a school and maximize their performance on standardized testing. Bright Horizons College Coach can use the fears of parents do want to succeed at the application process. Through guidance, educational expertise and the right knowledge, students improve their undergraduate opportunities.
3. C2 Education

One of the best admissions consultants, C2 Education, throws out the one-solution-for-all approach. Starting with a personalized plan to succeed in high school, the company helps students with everything from preparing for standardized test to tutoring for areas they need to improve in. The company offers handholding and support throughout the college search and application process and doesn’t stop until every application has been sent and the student is on track for a successful college career.
College admissions counselors fill the void left by overburdened guidance counselors at most high schools. In order to get into top colleges and universities, students need assistance from knowledgeable counselors. Instead, most high schools assign up to 500 students to a single school counselor. This extremely limits the amount of college counseling each students receive. However, parents and students can get the help they need through C2.
4. College Wise

Finding the best admissions consultants for an individual student involves getting to know the student and having access to numerous college advisors with tons of experience. Students benefit from companies like College Wise, which provides insight into the admissions process. Together, students work with their advisors to narrow down their school choices and strategize on how to ace the admissions process with great standardized scores, standout essays and personalized strategies.
It all starts with helping students thrive in high school. It takes more than good grades to get into top universities. Strong test scores can help students stand out, but they also need guidance on how to bring out their strengths in their college admissions essays and applications.
Students who don’t have a strategy for how to apply for colleges end up going to the first university that says yes to their application. Even worse, students often limit themselves to schools that don’t require essays or have a competitive admissions process. College Wise can correct these behaviors to help students get the best education possible.
5. College Zoom

Partnering with the best admissions consultants can help students get into the schools of their dreams. With the assistance of seasoned educational experts, students can gain acceptance into colleges that they may have thought they could never qualify for. First, students have to evaluate their academic goals and narrow down their choice of universities.
College Zoom has been helping students gain college admission for more than 12 years. So far, their success rate is over 97% of students who gained admissions into at least one of their top three college choices. Having grades and test scores above the 25th percentile is a great strategy for students to shine over their competition. College Zoom focuses on these goals and helps students gain confidence in their academic ability.
6. Crimson Education

Crimson Education has some of the best admissions consultants in the business. The school can increase students’ chances of getting into Ivy League schools by up to 700%. As a best consultant for ivy league admissions, it takes an approach that emphasizes personalization for every student. The school offers services in the US, UK and EU. So, it can help students who wish to study abroad achieve their goals.
The school has a unique model that pair students with individuals who have gone to Ivy League schools and who can provide unique advice when it comes to sports scholarships and other scholarship opportunities.
Crimson Education offers online tutoring for standardized test in the UK, US and EU. They have a proven track record when it comes to helping students perform at the highest levels when it comes to standardized testing and the application process.
7. Empowerly

Empowerly ranks among the best admissions consultants in the industry. Through personalized guidance the company optimizes each student’s admissions success. Their clients are three times as likely to make it into top schools of their choice thanks to counseling from education experts. Further, the company offers flexible payment options and real time support.
Services start for free and students are hand matched with advisors that can help them meet their goals. The integrated digital platform is intuitive and easy to learn. Students and their families receive access to a team of college admissions advisors and a dedicated point of contact to help them navigate the system. Parents and students gain peace of mind knowing that they have done the best they can to prepare their students for the college admissions and application processes.
8. Prep Expert

One of the best admissions consultants, Prep Expert help students optimize the planning process when it comes to extracurricular activities, summer programs and other opportunities that can help them strengthen their college applications.
The company helps clients create a narrative that helps their applications float to the top of the pile when it comes to other applicants. A successful college application includes more than a list of activities and good grades. Students must also learn how to organize essays that will reflect their personal stories in a way that appeals to applications committees.
9. PrepScholar

Prepscholar is one of the best admissions consultants on the market. The company uses data from real admissions results to determine what works during the application process. Anyone who has seen the movie Moneyball will understand this approach.
Prepscholar has a proprietary admission strategy that has developed over decades of helping students get into great colleges. Using 74 core principles, the company helps its clients maximize their chances of getting into the schools of their choice.
Great performance starts with great people and PrepScholar has a rigorous hiring process. It only accepts one out of every 200 applicants who apply and then keeps everyone on their toes with constant monitoring.
By offering unlimited consultations, the company makes it easy for students to get the help they need with formulating and editing their essays. This allows students to submit applications on time with extreme confidence. Additionally, consultants work overtime during the busy fall and spraying application periods.
10. Princeton Review

More than just one of the best online college admissions services, the Princeton Review is one of the foremost names in higher education resources and research. The Princeton Review offers a number of admissions consulting services at a variety of prices, from short, affordable one-on-one meetings with a consultant to front-to-back guidance that includes multiple meetings, extensive editing for letters and essays, and much more.
The Princeton Review has been providing guidance, resources, and test-prep services for more than 40 years and is one of the nation’s most trusted sources for higher education wisdom. They are also well known for their college rankings, and recognition from the Princeton Review is a point of pride for schools across the US.
What Does it Take to Get Into College Now?
Getting into college is a dream for many high school students. They may spend hours on the internet researching how to get into college. They read blog posts or articles and ask their friends for advice on what they should do in order to get accepted in the best colleges.
The first step of the college admissions journey is to find out a major that interests you and which colleges you want to apply for. The next step would be looking at the undergraduate admissions requirements of each university that you want to apply for, and then choose the ones that match your abilities best.
The college admissions process is a rigorous one. Aspiring college students need to take many steps to get in. They need to start by identifying the colleges they want to apply to and then they need to figure out what they want their college essays and application essays to say. This can be a daunting task for some students and it can take up a lot of time that could be spent studying or doing extracurricular activities.
Admissions Essays
College admissions essays are an important part of the college application process. They are an opportunity for students to showcase their personality, interests, and achievements to admissions committees.
The essay should be short and concise, but it should also tell a story about the applicant. It should be written in the first person. Most importantly – as former admissions officers will tell you – do not overdo it! The college has set their parameters very carefully, and they want to see what they want to see.
Any college admissions consultant worth their price will help you craft an essay that does the job.
High School Extracurriculars
Colleges are looking for a diverse pool of applicants to select from. They want to know that the student is well-rounded and has an interest in something outside of academics. This is why colleges may ask for high school extracurriculars in applications.
The college wants to see what kind of person the applicant is, not just their grades and test scores. They want to see if they are a well-rounded individual who has interests outside of academics. Colleges want students with diverse interests, talents, and skillsets so they can have a more diverse pool of applicants to choose from when selecting new students.
Students should take the time to explore their interests and hobbies outside of school. They should get involved in extracurricular activities, which will help them find out what they are passionate about.
Extracurricular activities are a great way for students to explore their interests and hobbies outside of school. They can also help students figure out what they are passionate about, which in turn can help them determine what they want to major in.
Standardized Test Scores
In the United States, the SAT and ACT are two of the most popular standardized tests for college admissions. The importance of these scores in college admissions is undeniable. Colleges use them to measure how well a student will be able to perform in their classes. Students and parents spend hours preparing for these tests because they want their scores to be as high as possible.
However, it’s worth noting that some colleges are taking a new approach to admissions. They are removing test scores from the requirements and instead are looking at more holistic ways to create a diverse class. Some schools have found that they can increase their diversity by considering factors like socioeconomic status, race, and gender.
This change is happening because some people believe that the SATs are not a good measure of what students can achieve in college. They also think that many students who don’t do well on the SATs still have potential to succeed in college.
That doesn’t mean you can avoid studying for the SAT or ACT, or that you can blow it on test day. Standardized tests are still important to most colleges. College admissions counseling programs usually offer tutoring services and study help to make sure you’re ready.
Organization: Deadlines and Lifelines
If you’re applying to college, we can’t stress enough how important it is to get your materials in on time. You can be an ideal candidate, but if your admissions packet it late, forget it. Check the college admissions calendar for the schools you want to apply to, and get organized. Have your essays on time, get your test results in, and make sure you don’t miss any dates. A good college admissions coach will help you keep your ducks in a row.
Also be sure you have your FAFSA turned in on time. FAFSA is the acronym for Free Application for Federal Student Aid. It is a form that students and their parents need to fill out in order to apply for financial aid. Basically, FAFSA determines the amount of aid that a student can get from the government and colleges.
The FAFSA form is used by the federal government and colleges to determine how much financial aid a student can get. Colleges, in turn, use this information to decide how much they will offer in scholarships or discounts on tuition. Again, top college admission consultants can help you keep up with this all-important key to the admissions game.
College Admissions Counseling Services
Some students are lucky enough to have parents who are able and willing help them with their applications, but not everyone has this luxury. So, it is important for these students not only find someone who can help them but also find someone who will provide guidance on what colleges are looking for in an applicant and how the student should present themselves during the application process.
Many students – like those who are first-generation college students, or international students – may not understand the process, and have no one in their family to ask. That’s where college admissions consulting firms come in. Most college admissions consultants and college admissions coaches are former admissions officers and administrators who know the field and have turned their knowledge to help applicants.
College admission consulting is a growing field, and the top college admissions consultants and college counseling services can be very expensive, geared toward elite students trying to get into competitive programs. And of course, top-tier admissions is a game all its own. But a college admissions consulting firm can also be helpful to ordinary students trying to understand the process. College consulting can be well worth the money.
What Makes an Admissions Consultant Worth It?
Choosing the best admissions consultants provides many advantages to students and parents. Working parents are busier than ever. Therefore, it’s important to delegate essential tasks such as college preparation to an expert. Students who use these services are far more likely to get into not only any college but into their top three picks. In order to maximize this, students should vet out several admission consultants to determine which ones they are most comfortable working with.
There are numerous benefits to hiring the best college admissions consulting services. Students receive personalized help and feedback which can give them confidence and alleviate much of the stress brought on by the college admissions process. They also enhance their chances for success.
Students today have far too much on their plate to put in the time it takes to stand out on every college essay. With a guiding hand and the vast knowledge of an expert, students can prioritize their applications, so they don’t miss the deadlines for their top choices.
No college admissions counselor can guarantee that every student will get into their top school. However, by greatly increasing their chances of submitting a strong application and well-baked essay, they give each student a chance to make their strengths shine.
How Can an Admissions Consultant Help Me?
Having the help of one of the best admissions consultants can alleviate unnecessary stress. If students are already sensitive to their academic performance, it can be completely demoralizing to receive rejection after rejection from colleges of their choice. However, they can eliminate this stress with the guidance of experienced college admissions consultants.
When students can focus on their sports and academic endeavors, they can further strengthen their chances of getting a scholarship.
By identifying areas to focus on, college consultants can help students strengthen their areas of weakness and highlight their strengths. They can also choose their topics wisely. It’s important to prioritize schools that both meet the academic needs of the student and match up to the students’ strengths.
Thriving in high school and college sets students up for success. By gaining confidence and a strong education, they can enter the workforce with confidence and vigor. Many former students who have used college consultants to get into their favorite schools have learned that it was a worthwhile investment.
When parents invest in experienced college admissions counselors, they get their money back by improving their child’s chances of getting scholarships based on sports or academic prowess. Competition increases every year and standardized tests get more complicated every year. In order to do their best in school, students need all the help they can get when it comes to putting their ducks in a row to create a stellar college application.
It’s important to note that some college admissions counselors start their services for free. This is a great opportunity for parents to compare different platforms to see what appeals to them. Other programs have tiered pricing with basic services and fewer hours costing less money up front. This is a great opportunity for parents to enroll their students in a program and expand their services as needed.
The top 10 best admissions consultants in the industry above are great places for students and parents to start their search. With the assistance of outside experts, students are more likely to succeed in one of the most important processes of their lives. Students achieve great things with the right help!
If you’re interested in graduate programs and would like to know more about the graduate school admissions process, check out our guide to the best online graduate degrees!
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Aya Andrews
Aya Andrews is a passionate educator and mother of two, with a diverse background that has shaped her approach to teaching and learning. Born in Metro Manila, she now calls San Diego home and is proud to be a Filipino-American. Aya earned her Masters degree in Education from San Diego State University, where she focused on developing innovative teaching methods to engage and inspire students.
Prior to her work in education, Aya spent several years as a continuing education consultant for KPMG, where she honed her skills in project management and client relations. She brings this same level of professionalism and expertise to her work as an educator, where she is committed to helping each of her students achieve their full potential.
In addition to her work as an educator, Aya is a devoted mother who is passionate about creating a nurturing and supportive home environment for her children. She is an active member of her community, volunteering her time and resources to support local schools and organizations. Aya is also an avid traveler, and loves to explore new cultures and cuisines with her family.
With a deep commitment to education and a passion for helping others succeed, Aya is a true inspiration to those around her. Her dedication to her craft, her community, and her family is a testament to her unwavering commitment to excellence in all aspects of her life.